2D/3D EX vivo Assays: A PDX-based platform for ex vivo evaluating/screening of novel anti-cancer compounds

ESBB Vienna 2016
Rejoignez ModulBio au ESBB Vienne 2016, stand 45
Signature d’un accord pour l’acquisition par Oncodesign du centre de recherches de GSK

2D/3D EX vivo Assays: A PDX-based platform for ex vivo evaluating/screening of novel anti-cancer compounds

2D primary culture from non-small cell lung cancer PDX in Oncomedics’ proprietary defined medium.

2D/3D EX vivo Assays: A PDX-based platform for ex vivo evaluating/screening novel anti-cancer compoundsIMODI Cancer

Oncomedics has developed the Oncogramme®, based on primary culture of cells from human tumor tissues. It creates a functional profile of a patient tumor’s sensitivity and resistance to various drugs/drug candidates and combinations to provide physicians with the most accurate information for treating a patient’s cancer. Functional assays are also useful at preclinical stages of drug candidates’ development. Oncomedics has thus developed OncoTRIP™ (Tumor Response Index & Profiling), a exclusive, centralized ex vivo platform for profiling of new agents on tumor-derived primary cultures.
We offer an array of testing services centered on cells from patient-derived tumor xenografts (PDXs). A unique collection of highly characterized PDX cancer models is integrated and available through Oncodesign’s X-Mice® platform. Specific tumor profiles can therefore be selected for phenotypic exploration (2D/3D models; spheroids) with OncoTRIP™, which is ideally designed and positioned for:

  • profiling and qualification of drug candidates;
  • selection of relevant tumor models for further in vivo testing.
OncoTRIP™ is an enabling tool bridging advances made in primary cell culture with hard-to-collect, -grow and -investigate patient-derived solid tumor cells. We assist biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies to improve drug candidate validation and reduce time to market.

2D primary culture from non-small cell lung cancer PDX in Oncomedics’ proprietary defined medium
2D primary culture from non-small cell lung cancer PDX in Oncomedics’ proprietary defined medium

2D primary culture from breast cancer PDX in Oncomedics’ proprietary defined medium, showing emergence of spheroids
2D primary culture from breast cancer PDX in Oncomedics’ proprietary defined medium, showing emergence of spheroids

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